Late Olusegun Agagu, Ondo State former governor.
Aviation authorities said Thursday that 13 people were confirmed dead in a crash involving an airplane that was to convey the body of former governor of Ondo state, Olusegun Agagu, and sympathizers, from Lagos to Akure, the Ondo state capital, for funeral rites.
Early reports suggested fewer fatalities, with claims one of Mr Agagu's sons, who travelled on the plane, was amongst the survivors. That report could not be confirmed as the aviation ministry was yet to release the official record of passengers.
Search and Rescue operations closed at 12.50p.m, while investigation into the accident has begun, the bureau added.
Witnesses say the plane, 5N-BJY, operated by Associated Airlines, had barely taken off from the domestic wing of the Murtala Mohammed Airport, Lagos, when it plunged into an open field near an aviation fuel depot at about 9.30 a.m.
Naval officers, fire service officers, the police, as well as the officials of the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria, FAAN, engaged one another in a heated argument over who would take custody of the coffin.
Minutes later, it was unanimously resolved that the remains of the former Minister be deposited at the Nigeria Airforce hospital within the airport's compound.
“There was not supposed to be any fight. In any emergency case within Lagos State, the incident commander is the general manager of the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA),” said Wale Ahmed, Lagos State Commissioner for Special Duties.
The crash brought to a tragic halt, a series of week-long obsequies that was to peak with Mr. Agagu's burial on Friday in Ondo state which he governed between May 2003 and February 2009, before a court removed him from office.
Early Thursday, officials of the state government, led by Governor Olusegun Mimiko, had gathered at the Akure airport end waiting to receive his body and guests.
After news of the accident filtered in, members of the entourage and family members relocated to the Ondo state Government House, apparently distressed, over an accident that has shocked the nation.
The special adviser on media to the state government of Ondo state said  that the state could only hope on God for mercy and strength to bear the losses. A commissioner from Ondo state was on the ill-fated plane and It was unclear if the commissioner survived the accident.
“No doubt, this is an unfortunate disaster in the life of our dear state. We can only pray that God will visit the state with mercy and give us all the strength to bear these unfortunate losses,” the governor's adviser  said.
The government urged residents to be in a “sober and prayerful mood at these trying times as God is indeed the only person we should call upon in this period”.
Mr. Agagu was born in 1948, a former geology lecturer at the University of Ibadan, before venturing into politics. He was at different times Nigeria's Aviation and Power Minister.
Mr Agagu died on September 13. The funeral events began at the University of Ibadan on Monday September  30 , and he was to be buried on Friday, September 4. The burial will afterall be carried on with since the corpse is scheduled to arrive after its retrieval from the crash
The deceased home n Ibadan was full of syphatisers and mourners of different classes, while neighbours too were well represented in his home in Ibadan.
Governor Mimiko wept bitter for this experience, especially on a day he takes as special being his birthday and has planned for with vigour but that is minor in this case and have given directives in the state for processes of mourning the ex-governor.
Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aminu Tambuwal, said he was  “sad and heartbroken”.
The Northern Governors' Forum called for thorough investigation into the accident.
“The safety of the flying public must be of paramount importance to those saddled with the responsibility of ensuring safe air travels, and no stone should be left unturned in ensuring this,” said the chairman, Governor Babangida Aliyu of Niger state.
A spokesperson for the Ministry of Aviation, Joe Obi, said 20 people  13 passengers and seven crew members  were on board the aircraft when the accident occurred, and said 13 people were confirmed dead, six injured, and one person unaccounted for.
The Accident Investigation Bureau, AIB, which also confirmed the number of casualties, said families of the victims would be contacted first before it released the names on the manifest.
The bureau said those injured were receiving treatment and that it had set up an emergency response centre to attend to families of d victims.
Spokesman of the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria, Yakubu Datti, speaking with news channel, Al Jazeera, said the plane suffered engine failure.
“Yes, we can confirm to you that an 'Emperor 160′ belonging to Associated Airline crashed just after take-off from Murtala Mohammed International Airport, Lagos. The propeller aircraft crashed about 9.42am on its way to Akure carrying 20 persons,” Mr Datti said.
He also confirmed the flight recorder had been retrieved.
The impact of the crash ripped the plane's fuselage in two, tore its tyres and removed the wings from the plane's hull.
All the citizens and residents of Lagos want the government to be proactive in dealing with cases and pray that Nigerians  should have the fortitude to bear the losses.


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